Pints to Gallons

Pints (US & UK) to Gallons converter with example. Conversion, chart, ratio.

# Pints to Gallons formula

For US dry pints

  • Dry pints to US liquid gallon:

    dry pints * 0.14546 = us liquid gallon

    For example, let's convert 10 dry pints to us liquid gallon (US).

    10 * 0.14546 = 1.45460 (us liquid gallon)
  • Dry pints to US dry gallon:

    dry pints * 0.125 = us dry gallon
  • Dry pints to UK gallon:

    dry pints * 0.12112 = uk gallon

For US liquid pints

  • Liquid pints to US liquid gallon:

    liquid pints * 0.125 = US liquid gallon


    8 liquid pints * 0.125 = 1 (US liquid gallon)
  • Liquid pints to US dry gallon:

    liquid pints * 0.10742 = us dry gallon
  • To convert liquid pints to UK gallon use formula:

    liquid pints * 0.10408 = UK gallon

For imperial (UK) pints

  • UK pints to US liquid gallon:

    uk pints * 0.15012 = US liquid gallon

    For example, let's convert 7 uk pints to US liquid gallon:

    7 * 0.15012 = 1.05084 (US liquid gallon)
  • UK pints to US dry gallon:

    uk pints * 0.12901 = us dry gallon
  • To convert UK pints to UK gallon:

    uk pints * 0.125 = UK gallon

# Pints to Gallons conversion\chart

Click on title to open relevant table.

US Liquid Pints to Gallons
US Liquid Pint US Liquid Gallon US Dry Gallon UK Gallon
1 0.125 0.107 0.10408
10 1.25 1.074 1.0408
20 2.5 2.148 2.0816
30 3.75 3.222 3.1224
40 5 4.296 4.1632
50 6.25 5.371 5.204
60 7.5 6.445 6.2448
70 8.75 7.519 7.2856
80 10 8.593 8.3264
90 11.25 9.667 9.3672
100 12.5 10.742 10.408
500 62.5 53.71 52.04
1000 125 107.42 104.08
US Dry Pints to Gallons
US Dry Pint US Liquid Gallon US Dry Gallon UK Gallon
1 0.14546 0.125 0.12112
10 1.4546 1.25 1.2112
20 2.9092 2.5 2.4224
30 4.3638 3.75 3.6336
40 5.8184 5 4.8448
50 7.273 6.25 6.056
60 8.7276 7.5 7.2672
70 10.1822 8.75 8.4784
80 11.6368 10 9.6896
90 13.0914 11.25 10.9008
100 14.546 12.5 12.112
500 72.73 62.5 60.56
1000 145.46 125 121.12
Imperial Pints (UK) to Gallons
UK Pint US Liquid Gallon US Dry Gallon UK Gallon
1 0.15012 0.12901 0.125
10 1.5012 1.2901 1.25
20 3.0024 2.5802 2.5
30 4.5036 3.8703 3.75
40 6.0048 5.1604 5
50 7.506 6.4505 6.25
60 9.0072 7.7406 7.5
70 10.5084 9.0307 8.75
80 12.0096 10.3208 10
90 13.5108 11.6109 11.25
100 15.012 12.901 12.5
500 75.06 64.505 62.5
1000 150.12 129.01 125

# Frequently asked

How many gallons in a pint?

1 gallon is equal to 8 pints which implies that there are 0.125 gallons in a pint.

Which is more 16 pints or 1 gallon?

Undoubtedly, 16 pints are more than one gallon because 1 gallon is equal to 8 pints.

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