4 Pints to Ounces
Conversion result for: 4 Pints to Ounces
Conversion result for: 4 Pints to Ounces
4 Dry Pint | 74.472 (US) Fluid Ounce | 77.516 (UK) Fluid Ounce |
4 Liquid Pint | 64 (US) Fluid Ounce | 66.612 (UK) Fluid Ounce |
4 Imperial Pint | 76.86 (US) Fluid Ounce | 80 (UK) Fluid Ounce |
If we're talking about converting 4 US Liquid Pint to US Liquid Ounce then result will be: 64 oz
You can check table above if you're looking for a different pint's\ounce's types.
Related questions to this one: What is 4 pints in ounces, How many is 4 pints in ounces, 4 pints is equal to how many ounces
As example let's convert 4 US Liquid Pint to US Liquid Ounce. You need to multiply pints value by 16, let's see below:
4 * 16 = 64 us lqd oz
You can check other formulas on our converter's page.